One in five French people suffer from insomnia and 61% of French people sleep poorly. Lack of sleep, restless or too short nights, stop being exhausted thanks to our survival guide!
1- Walk a little, a lot, passionately

A short 15-minute digestive walk, while you walk the dog or take a break from the office, is good for lowering blood sugar levels. If you are not at all athletic, this is a good way toexercise regularly , known to promote sleep. The ideal: put on sneakers and walk briskly. In the evening, after a long day of work, it works just as well.
2- Read before going to sleep

A real book… not reading on the phone .
Reading a good book in bed - away from the blue light of screens - helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. It could be the latest Houellebecq, or a book on the subject that concerns you, such as "Good bye Fatigue! The art of no longer suffering your fatigue and that of others" by Léonard Anthony (Ed. Overjoy) and "I am exhausted! Anxiety, overwork, burn-out: the guide to regain control" by Cathy Assenheim (Ed. Deboeeck Supérieur).
3- Go to bed at the right time
Itchy eyes, a feeling of numbness... the sandman is around. It is very important to recognize the warning signs of falling asleep so as not to miss the sleep train and avoid waiting several hours afterwards. Another point to check for those who are restless at night: the lunar calendar. Indeed, some people are particularly sensitive to changes in this star. The full moon but also the arrival of the new moon (full of energy) can disrupt your sleep. Knowing this allows you to "put your difficulties into perspective" and find the solution that suits you best. For example, get up and read/ meditate /drink a glass of water in peace, instead of tossing and turning in bed.
4- Position your bed correctly
In Feng Shui , the location of the headboard is essential. The ideal is therefore to call on a Feng Shui expert who will help you to place your bed correctly, if you have problems sleeping. In the meantime, avoid as much as possible too yang atmospheres (flashy colors, desk in the bedroom space) and avoid placing the headboard under the window, on the passage of Qi between the door and the window or on the bathroom partition side.
5- Escape tensions
Between daytime activities (action) and nighttime activities (rest), plan a little SAS, a transition moment to switch from one mode to another. For example, you can take a warm shower before putting on your nightwear or listen to a podcast in peace while sipping a herbal tea (avoid alcohol, which is a stimulant and a false friend of sleep; it can "help" you fall asleep... but beware of waking up at night). In short, anything that is soothing can help you. Beware of marital or family arguments that can prevent you from closing your eyes. If you are rather anxious, don't hesitate to write down your "to do list" for the next day to get rid of ruminations ("I have to do this", "you must not forget to"...). On high-tension evenings, don't hesitate to take it down a notch, with a guided meditation for example. We recommend those by Cédric Michel on YouTube.
6- Make love

We're not talking about necessarily having sex every night, but very serious studies have proven the link between sexuality and quality sleep . How? Thanks to the endorphins generated, in particular. As a bonus, orgasm alone or with someone else has a very calming (even soporific) effect thanks to the oxytocin released (anti-stress and anti-anxiety effects).
Good night !