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How to breathe cleaner air?

Air plus propre - WE ARE CLEAN - Clean For Good

Home, office, transport… We spend a lot of time indoors. However, as surprising as it may seem, they are 8 times more polluted than the air we breathe outdoors , and we spend 80% of our time there. So, how can we breathe cleaner air?

6 steps to reduce indoor pollution

You might think that it is external particles that infiltrate homes. Far from it. Human activity is one of the primary sources: cleaning, taking a shower, cooking, heating , burning incense or a candle, using air freshener, smoking, DIY, buying a bouquet of flowers, etc. These activities release chemical pollutants (volatile organic compounds, combustion residues, fumes from glues, resins, carbon dioxide) and biological pollutants (mold or dust mite allergens, etc.). And that's without counting the pollutants emanating from particle board furniture , fabric treatments for sofas and armchairs, etc. What can be done?

1 - Eliminate polluting substances

  • It seems obvious, but we don't smoke inside!
  • Avoid room fragrances, chemical air fresheners, candles and incense. Clean is odorless.
  • We play it green, by favoring basic cleaning products that have proven themselves: baking soda, white vinegar, black soap and products bearing environmental labels. You can find the least polluting products on the ADEME website
  • Some furniture emits volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde, particularly from the glues used in its manufacture. We prefer furniture, paints and floor coverings with an environmental label. For particle board furniture, class E1 (emissions less than or equal to 0.124 mg/m3) is a minimum. If we choose, we prefer class E0.5 panels, which have lower emissions (emissions less than or equal to 0.62 mg/m3).

2 - Maintain combustion appliances

  • Having your boiler checked once a year by a qualified professional is essential! This should preferably be done before the cold period and the user manual should be followed carefully.
  • It is mandatory to have your chimneys swept at least once a year (check the health regulations in your department).
  • If you heat with wood, it is better to use a quality fuel (for example NF Bois de chauffage or France Bois Bûche, or wood pellets labeled “Din plus” or “EN plus”) and not burn reclaimed wood or damp wood.
  • Do not use portable gas or oil heaters continuously (an improperly adjusted appliance can produce carbon monoxide, which is a deadly gas.)

3 - Air, air and air again


This is now a WHO recommendation to avoid virus contamination. Opening the windows for 10 minutes in each room several times a day is essential to renew the indoor air, and this, in all seasons. To be done preferably outside of busy traffic times, early in the morning or late in the evening, which helps limit the concentration of pollutants, particularly when cleaning or doing DIY . It is also important not to obstruct the air vents and to keep them clean.

When painting, wallpapering, carpeting, parquet flooring, linoleum, etc., or when buying new furniture, the renovated rooms should be aired out a lot for several days. If you are setting up a room for a baby, it is better to do it several months in advance so that the pollutants emitted by the paint and furniture can be evacuated before the baby arrives.

4 - Evacuate moisture

Bathing, showering, cooking, drying laundry: these activities produce a lot of water vapor which can cause water condensation on walls and furniture.
If you have a tumble dryer, check that it is properly venting air outside the building. If you see mold appearing, you need to clean it as soon as possible. This can release allergens and weaken the respiratory system of sensitive people. A house that is too humid is often a sign of insufficient ventilation.

5 - Renew the air with the VMC

New buildings – subject to RT2012 regulations – are better insulated and more energy efficient. But insulation means air containment.

The solution: installing a VMC, Controlled Mechanical Ventilation, properly sized for the home, which is kept on constantly, whose proper functioning is checked regularly, and whose grille is cleaned. Its purpose is to constantly renew the air.

In old housing without mechanical ventilation, indoor air is mainly renewed naturally by uncontrolled air leaks, particularly around old doors and windows, with opening windows playing a marginal role.

6 - Depollute with green plants


In a report published in 1989, NASA concluded after laboratory research that plants are depolluting. The request came from a problem encountered by astronauts during their space travel. Harmful particles (VOCs) from, among other things, the materials making up the space capsule ended up causing various symptoms in astronauts: difficulty breathing, irritated eyes, etc. Ademe carried out its own experiments with the launch of its Phytair program . It emerged that to have a significant impact on the quality of the indoor air in a room, it is not 1 or 2 plants that are needed but a real forest!

So there are some pretty simple ways to reduce indoor pollution, with maintenance, healthy hygiene, and wide open windows!


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