Better manage your stress , sleep well, stop the incessant flow of thoughts… Meditation allows you to see life through rose-colored glasses almost all the time. 3 tips to follow to find the path to well-being .
Inhale, exhale… Breathing is a natural movement that we do without even thinking about it. Our minds are too busy going over the last discussion we had with our children or the frightening length of our to-do list. Meditating allows us to no longer “suffer” our thoughts, to let them slip away like clouds in a blue sky, to reconnect with the here and now, with the simple and essential things in life, like breathing.
1- Block out a meditation slot in your diary
The best way to create a new life routine is to find a slot in your schedule and stick to it. In the morning, before starting the day for some, at the end of the day to close it for others. The right time? The one that suits you best.
You can also meditate in action, for example while walking , cleaning, shopping, etc. Because the goal of mindfulness meditation is not to stop thoughts or to think about nothing, but to connect one's full attention to the present moment.
At home, if you have trouble keeping your eyes closed, you can light a candle and concentrate on the dance of the flame. And when your thoughts diverge… come back to the flame. Without a candle, you “just” have to concentrate on the movements of your breathing by repeating to yourself “I breathe in and I know that I breathe in”, “I breathe out and I know that I breathe out.” Presented like this, the exercise seems simple, even very simple. But meditating requires training and regularity. It is therefore preferable to meditate for ten minutes three times a week, than for an hour every two weeks. Since thoughts often resist, the regularity of the practice allows you to learn to let them go without lingering, without giving them the slightest attention.
2- Get started with the right app

Books, YouTube channels, apps, free live on Instagram… There are many tools at your disposal to guide you at the start. It's up to you to find the voice that suits you best (it's impossible to let go with a voice that irritates us). Among the YouTube channels that you can try: Monsieur Mindfulness , Cédric Michel , Mike Méditation , Jonathan Lehmann , Catherine Paquet . If you prefer sounds to voices, you can find dedicated playlists on music platforms (Tibetan bowl, nature sounds, etc.). There are also apps that are easy to access for beginners ( Namatata , Petit Bambou , etc.), all means are good for getting familiar with meditation. As you practice, you will find what really suits you.
3- In lotus, sitting, lying down: meditate in the right position

Sitting cross-legged or on a chair with your feet on the floor, your back straight, the important thing is that you find a position in which you are comfortable without being slumped. The ideal is to have a dedicated corner with its mat and especially its cushion (called Zafu) which allows you to slightly raise your buttocks and therefore to cross your legs more easily in the lotus position (crossed legs, left foot on right thigh and right foot on left thigh). Mindfulness meditation can also be practiced in a lying position… but the risks of slipping into sleep are high. So favor this position in the evening.
Meditation is not that complicated. The hardest part is getting started!
You will quickly see the beneficial effects of meditation on your mood, on your way of apprehending events, and even on certain physical pains. Meditation is not simply relaxing. It is learning to observe what is happening, inside you, outside, in your life. By educating your brain not to be overwhelmed by thoughts, meditation allows you to better manage stress and gain serenity, even when you are no longer in the lotus position.