Teleworking is a real opportunity, but it is not necessarily easy. Moving from personal to professional in the same place… a challenge. The 7 keys to successful and respectful teleworking.
Put body and mind on
The body and mind need a boost to start the day. Everyone has their own ritual: yoga, meditation, a few stretching movements, fifteen minutes of cycling, all before a savoury (ideal) or sweet (but not too much) breakfast. And if you're not hungry in the morning, for a 100% clean start, at the very least, drink a large glass of water when you wake up. Follow up with a hot drink. Without water intake, cellular exchanges do not take place properly, the brain as well as the muscles have difficulty functioning optimally. And even if you don't go out to work, get some fresh air: 5 minutes of breathing at the window, a few self-massage movements or Qi Gong (tapping on the arms, legs, face to boost blood and lymphatic circulation). And off you go!
Get dressed
Logical and basic? However, many of you like to work in your pajamas. But be careful because if it looks like the embodiment of coolness, it is actually the best way to demotivate yourself. Quite simply because the brain is loyal and if it "sees" you in pajamas, it will go into night mode and start secreting all the hormones and enzymes related to this cycle instead of going into "day" mode. The ideal way to be in tune with the day ahead is to follow a ritual, always the same, so that your brain identifies it as the work starter step (for example, 5 minutes of Qi Gong + shower + isotonic Eau de Nacre spray + invigorating massage with your day cream ) + get dressed. Ritual is the best way to set the pace for 24 hours, which is why the evening ritual is just as valuable for getting to sleep (put on your pajamas + apply your night serum + listen to a meditation + read 3 pages of a book, etc.)
Be on time!
For successful teleworking, respect the rhythm of your company. Define your optimal hours and respect them in order to be in phase with your colleagues, collaborators, customers, suppliers, etc. Beware of the temptation of sleeping in, if you can afford the luxury of waking up a little later, do not eliminate the use of the alarm clock. It too is part of the ritual. On the other hand, favor a dawn simulator, the sound of the sea or birds or even soft and joyful music, it is the perfect recipe to optimize your vibrational rate from the morning.
Create your workspace
The living room is better than the bedroom (here again the brain associates bedroom with night and not with work). Whatever the room (you don't always have the choice...), clearly define your work area. If you live in a studio, it is even more important to open and close your workspace, for example by placing a felt on the table that symbolizes your office space, a felt that you remove once the day is over. Once your workday is over, close your laptop, put all your things in a bag, a tote bag or even a box to avoid eating your meals among all your tools. Do you share your "co-working" space with a roommate or your spouse? Each one has their own space, even if it is half a table. Sit in a staggered position rather than facing each other so that everyone has their own "bubble".
Go back to the paper diary, it's even better to bring a little materiality into this virtual universe where exchanges are all done by video. Work schedules, sports sessions, medical appointments, lunch breaks, ideas, projects, write everything down... by hand. And speaking of breaks, remember to take one every hour by walking a few steps, breathing deeply at the window or in the garden if you have one. You will boost blood circulation and chase away energy dips.
Take a nap
Without feeling guilty, dare to take a nap again, even a short one, after lunch. You will be even more energized for the rest of the day. But devote at least 10 minutes to this little rest, what the English call the "power nap" to boost cognitive performance. Since you are at home, lie down, draw the shutters a little, listen to a meditation if you think you will have trouble falling asleep in such a short time. The ideal is a nap of 20 to 30 minutes, because it leads to deep sleep and reduces stress while boosting good mood and reducing the risk of cardiovascular accidents.
Live in the moment
In summary, be fully engaged in what you are doing: when you work, work and do not glance at social networks. In fact, in this case your attention is diverted and it takes time to reconnect with your work. If you are really “addicted”, plan work phases with specific objectives to achieve and at the end, as a reward, give yourself some time to connect. And to avoid temptation, put your phone away. Conversely, when you have finished your work day… do not read your work emails. If you watch a movie, if you cook, if you do sport, do it fully. Come on, get ready, get to work!