The zero waste lifestyle requires a real transition, as our (bad) habits need to be revisited and our reflexes need to be changed. It is a long journey to take, but many tips and tricks exist to accompany us on the path to change.
To start, here are 5 zero waste influencers to follow!
Marie zero waste goal
This mother had a lightbulb moment when her children were born. A follower of the hummingbird legend, she decided to change her way of life: every little gesture counts, even the smallest, when it is multiplied by 7 billion humans!
We love her very pragmatic blog, which explains the 7 steps that led her on the path to eco-responsibility :
- Stop plastic bottles
- Stop the paper towel
- Embrace second-hand clothing
- Take inventory of your cupboards and turn to bulk goods
- Empty your stock of cosmetics in your bathroom and gradually replace them with eco-friendly alternatives
- Adopt black soap, Marseille soap and white vinegar to replace your household products
- Home cooking using batch cooking (cooking for several days to save time). She also gives many cooking recipes, full of tips and covers all subjects in alternative mode.
An accessible and easy to implement program, especially when shared. The emphasis is on the importance of involving the whole family in this process so that it is a real collective life choice.
Instagram: @marie.objectifzerodechet | Website: Marie Zero Waste
It's the spirit of the times
We have selected these 2 sisters who are reclaiming their consumption patterns and cover all subjects: fromfood to well-being, including decoration , gifts, children , cleaning and fashion. Their IG account is full of tips, especially for getting rid of fast fashion. And you will like the guilt-free tone, because nobody is perfect ☺. They have also opened a blog, and offer for €10 a very informative e-book with a real methodology for moving towards the zero waste transition. They have even gone so far as to produce eco-responsible t-shirts.
Instagram: @c.lairdutemps | Website: C l'air du temps
This 30-year-old Parisian activist, Mélanie, originally a botanist gardener and guide, became a minimalist and a fan of recycling when she realized how much she had accumulated objects that were of no use to her during a move. She then started a blog on environmental issues and zero waste. Today, she addresses many other subjects such as feminism or equality and sharing. She talks about vegetarian food and ethical fashion . We love her benevolent tone (she is very forgiving towards imperfections) and the aesthetics of her Instagram page. One of her many tips that we recommend: cooking your peelings! That's 137kg of food wasted per year and per person in France, according to Global Gâchis.
Instagram: @lilyfairly | Website: Lily Fairly
My slow green life
A thirty-something Parisian living in Tours, Chloé has also really questioned her lifestyle. In addition to her blog dedicated to the art of Slow living, she has also written a book, “Une toute année zéro déchet” (A Whole Year of Zero Waste). She gives tips for reusing objects or choosing multifunctional ones. She covers a wide range of topics in a very practical way, from cooking recipes to home maintenance, including animals. Every day, she publishes on his blog a little info for a zero waste lifestyle, it's his #challengezerodechet with 100 tips.
We also love his Blogroll, the list of all his favorite blogs, which is a mine of information and which also shows his super generous state of mind ☺
Instagram: @myslowlifegreen | Website: My slow life green
Small gestures
We are fans of the way she presents herself: “Inès, imperfect ecologist!”
His credo? We don't need to be perfect, we need to be numerous.
His fights? Ecology and children's rights.
She is guilt-free and just wants to raise awareness of a more sustainable daily life, with kindness and without constraints. It was after a long trip to Australia and Asia that she returned very shocked by plastic pollution. She then decided to adopt a more responsible lifestyle . She opened her blog which gives all the tips and recipes for zero waste, informs with its "Eco news" section, and launches challenges on the theme "MPGDG: my small gesture will become big". She has also written 2 books My beauty products (I do everything myself, 50 recipes) and My household products (I do everything myself, 50 recipes).
Instagram: @lespetitsgestes | Website: Les petits gestes