If the skin undergoes changes during its renewal cycle (21 to 28 days), it is also necessary to take into account the upheavals linked to the menstrual cycle when you are a woman. How to act on the skincare side? We explain everything to you.
Climatic variations, stress, lack of sleep, changes in diet… Everything that the skin experiences on a daily basis has a real influence, and an adapted skincare routine is essential. As for women of menstruating age, another phenomenon comes to disrupt the well-being of the skin: premenstrual syndrome, which often does not do any favors, neither to the epidermis, nor to the body as a whole. Judge for yourself: hormonal acne (mainly located on the lower part of the face: chin and mandibles, but also neck, décolleté and back), excess sebum leaving the skin oily, swollen stomach, heavy legs, mood swings and the skin, too, is modified…
Premenstrual syndrome and skin
From a physiological point of view, this phenomenon that precedes menstruation disrupts the daily lives of menstruating women until their menopause. Estrogen levels increase while progesterone levels drop. Depending on the person, the symptoms can be more or less intense and can begin two to ten days before ovulation, or even at the same time. The hormonal imbalance promotes water retention, especially in the lower body, but sometimes also in the face (some women find themselves bloated). Finally, the hormonal drop is a source of inflammation that also impacts the quality of the intestinal flora, which has the indirect consequence of disrupting skin well-being. As a result, we often see excess sebum and the appearance of imperfections at the time of menstruation.
What beauty routine to “tame” your premenstrual syndrome?

To best protect your skin from the harmful effects of premenstrual syndrome, you should adapt your skincare habits around 10 days before your period. From this period onwards, especially if you notice that your skin tends to become oilier, use a cleanser or purifying lotion to disinfect the skin and eliminate bacteria that could be causing blemishes. If you see a pimple appearing, rather than making the problem worse by picking at it, act quickly and without mercy: a specific drying patch to leave on overnight, an anti-spot clay stick, a cleansing mask, etc. Choose the option that suits you best to quickly dry out the blemish until it disappears. Once or twice a week, you can also gently exfoliate your skin, followed by a purifying mask. Unless you opt for a daily lotion based on AHAs (exfoliating fruit acids that are particularly effective in gently removing dead skin, and thus reducing the formation of blackheads).
Finally, keep in mind that all your care – for the face as well as for the body – should preferably be done with lukewarm rather than hot water and gentle cleansers without soap, so as not to be too aggressive on the skin. Indeed, heat and irritating active ingredients such as sulfates can attack the hydrolipidic film of the epidermis and this would only aggravate the inflammation.
PMS and beautiful skin: these little extras that can help you
While adopting a specific skincare routine can really change the well-being of your skin during your menstrual cycle, there are other things you can do. For example, we know that a healthy, balanced diet can also improve things.
During periods and the days leading up to them, the body tends to store water and fat more easily. Also, to limit the formation of cellulite, it is better to reduce as much as possible the addition of salt in your dishes, but also the consumption of carbonated drinks. On the contrary, favor ingredients rich in fiber and oily fish (salmon, sardines, etc.) for optimal transit. To limit the inflammatory phenomenon linked to periods and caused by the hormonal drop, limit as much as possible dairy products, processed dishes and sugars of industrial origin.
In terms of supplementation, you can consider boosting your skin's well-being with a cure of evening primrose with an "estrogen-like" effect. It will have the benefit of providing a good dose of nutrition and radiance, always good to take.