Bird watching, birding in English, is becoming the hobby of the summer! This leisure activity, once reserved for passionate ornithologists, has become more democratic and the growing desire for nature among urban dwellers has done the rest. Today, it is possible for everyone to get started! Discover!
What is birding?

Also called "bird watching" or for its scientific name "ornithology", birding is simply said in French "observe birds". The idea? Either look for certain species, or simply observe them from afar, while walking or from an observation post, with binoculars, and why not also photograph or draw them? Of course, you must not disturb the birds, the objective is to combine a walk, a hike or climbing, with the discovery of an environment and its winged inhabitants. The activity, easy to access and free, involves a great proximity to nature, but also sometimes preparation by scouting in advance to go to where the birds are. An exciting facet that gives birding the appearance of an expedition. You can therefore go on an adventure or by having learned about the birds of the region: it is an ideal combination on vacation, and with the family .
An activity with strong ecological interest
Obviously, bird watching leads to a better understanding of the environment in which we find ourselves, to looking at the different species, endangered bird species, and their particularities. This awareness of the beauty and rarity of animals in their natural environment is a step towards their protection. Particularly if we start with a group of initiates or an association, these are as many exchanges on local ecosystems and towards the desire to act to keep them alive. Finally, ornithology has a scientific character, with the particularity of relying on amateur networks. The latter, distributed everywhere, make it possible to establish valuable censuses free of charge and to take part in protection campaigns, monitoring species and their evolutions, at the service of scientists.
Birding, guaranteed calm!
Just like proximity to nature, which is beneficial for mental health, bird watching offers a moment of calm and connection to oneself. Many enthusiasts find in this activity, which requires slow movement, discretion and concentration, effects close to those of meditation . As a family, the fun side takes over and offers young and old a suspended moment, where we take our time, where we enjoy the calm. We can appreciate the beauty of the detail of plumage, a colorful beak or a melodious song. A real craze, the keyword #birding brings together fans via social networks! Modernity also offers many tools such as apps that allow you to identify birds such as Birdnet or CuiCuimatique thanks to the song of the specimen, or Merlin Bird ID thanks to a few questions and a photo.
Where to observe birds?
The ideal answer for families looking for nature and discovery, it is becoming more democratic and many sites or associations are specializing: just look at your vacation spot to see if there is already a structure… or conversely, choose your destination with this project in mind. Mont St Michel, for example, is known for its wealth of birds, as is the Marquenterre park, an ornithological park in the Bay of Somme, or the mountains of course, with their birds of prey. You will also find information on dedicated sites such as Birding France or Birding Places . Be careful though: searches with the word “birding” often end up on pages in English. It is up to you to specify your query, such as “observe birds in the Ile de France” for example. Or search with “ornithology”, you will arrive on sites like Ornitho Media which list places. Otherwise, improvise during your walks!
Birdwatching is much more than a hobby: it is an opening onto a world to be preserved and discovered. An opportunity to learn in a very concrete way how to spot, recognize and admire remarkable species and to immerse yourself in an ecosystem at the heart of regions that you discover at the same time. As a bonus, birdwatching leads the whole family to an ecological awareness, to be continued when you return home after the holidays: because birding can also be practiced in the city!