Feng Shui? Perhaps you have already heard of this Chinese philosophy. Deciphering an ancestral wisdom that allows everyone to find their rightful place and feel better .
How to explain Feng Shui simply? Feng means Wind and Shui , Water. Feng Shui is the age-old art of understanding space and time while respecting the forces of nature (hence wind and water). It is about harmonizing the energy of each home in order to preserve the health and promote the well-being of each inhabitant.
Qi, Chinese energy
As in Chinese medicine, it is all about Qi (pronounced "tchi") which means energy. The energy of each person in their living space , but also the Qi of the house in its immediate environment. Feng Shui is an empirical science based on more than 5000 years of meticulous observation of nature, the movement of the planets and astrology . The Chinese have found existing links between Space (directions, location, landscape, layout of homes), Time (period, cycle, season) and Man (his life, his actions).
Complicated Feng Shui? In any case, much more subtle, precise and personalized than one might imagine at first glance. Indeed, since the 80s, Feng Shui has been widely democratized. In particular by Thomas Lin Yun, who imagined a watered-down version of Traditional Feng Shui with New Age Feng Shui . Easier to understand for Westerners, it boils down to dividing the home into nine sectors (Reputation in the South, Prosperity in the Southeast, Career in the North, etc.). While this method has the advantage of being simple, it is far from the technicality and precision of Traditional Feng Shui.
Common sense above all
For energy to circulate well, it is important in Feng Shui to declutter your interior. The key? Tidying up by emptying, advocated by the pope of sorting Marie Kondo. The interior of the house is a reflection of the state of mind of its inhabitants at the time. If the entrance is cluttered, the energy will escape. If there are areas of chaos, the energy will stagnate… So rule number one, in Feng Shui, we learn to sort and tidy up. But be careful, what you can't see (inside drawers, cupboards) can also be a source of bad energy. So let's sort for real!
How to position your bed and desk correctly
Then, Feng Shui allows you to place individuals in the best rooms for them. The idea? The House has its own identity (depending on its construction date). Each family, moving inside, will bring its own energy. It is then necessary to find the best rooms to live in, according to the Gua of each individual (category of each according to their year of birth and gender). Inside each room, the location of certain pieces of furniture is essential. The Feng Shui expert will pay particular attention to the position of the desk (especially in the case of teleworking), the head of the bed and the sofa. The idea is to place individuals in the best possible way in their living space according to their Gua, but also the flying stars (the good or bad energies of the year) and their astrological sign.
Choosing the right time
But Feng Shui takes into account another factor: time. There are periods that are constantly renewed. And, in the Chinese tradition, each day carries a certain energy. Are you having a good day or not? Can you move the furniture around or not? In traditional Chinese calendars, the favorable animal sign of the day is often indicated... as if to specify whether or not it is a good day for you!
As you can see, Feng Shui, long reserved for a Chinese elite, is a very subtle philosophy which still has many secrets to reveal!
For more information:
- My Feng Shui Bible, Bruno Lecourt, Leduc, €26.
- Illustrated Encyclopedia of Feng Shui, Lillian Too, Trédaniel Éditions, €29.41.
- Authentic Feng Shui, Joey Yap, The Book Mail, €16.99.